Project overview

Ahi Kā, the expression of mana and endurance and community solidarity.

Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei are one of many iwi and hapū across Tāmaki Makaurau. Each hapū and iwi hold on to their whenua, protecting it, sustaining it and building community upon it. For Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei, this is the central area of Tāmaki Makaurau, where their marae sits and their community and business interests lie. Ira was asked to create a strong, confident assertion of their role as ahi kā within their whenua.


“Hikaia ngā ahi o te kahu tōpuni o Tuperiri.”

This whakataukī speaks of Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei’s ancestor, Tuperiri and how his cloak metaphorically spreads out across the area in which they hold ahi kā and mana. Weavers Ruth Cullen, Beronia Scott, Tracey Makaore-Watene and Kororia Witika had created a woven artwork called “Ahi Kā,” which inspired the cultural design motifs throughout the report. Stunning photogaphy by David Harriman bring life to the report, celebrating people and place.


Strength, resilience and passion are expressed in rich tones of red and yellow.

Ngāti Whātua Ōrakei continues to strengthen the binding threads in their cloak through marae development, supporting the creative community, culture and arts, supporting te reo Māori language acquisition.

They support their people through housing, health care and economic development and stretch their cloak over the taiao, to support our natural environment to heal and restore.

As always, a pleasure to work with mana whenua in an expression of tino rangatiratanga.

Client: Hariata, Ngātai, David Harriman
Client Service Director Nick Maltby
Creative Director Johnson McKay
Design Director Tim Hansen
Designers Richard Pearson, Salem McKay
Animation Malachi McKay, Storm Smith

Publication Design

Print Management

Motion Design