Launching a national Māori businesses in digital and physical spaces.
Whāriki had been an Auckland based initiative to bring Māori businesses together through whakawhanaungatanga. Largely small events that could only reach up to 200 people at a time. A new dynamic vision was created where the wider Māori community would connect through a powerful digital platform, inspiring content, national partnerships and networks.
Ira was asked to define the strategy, brand and digital platform alongside a very passionate board of Māori experts and advocates.
Whāriki is a woven mat, representing connections bound together through whakapapa.
The strategy for Whāriki was to ensure that people didn’t view it as many of the dusty old networks that had been around. It had to have fresh energy and a more engaging purpose and vision. We created a set of vision statements that define Whāriki as both a space for people to connect and a platform to elevate Māori entrepreneurial excellence.
A vibrant expression of mana through modern, relatable design.
The brand identity is a portal by which we can experience a welcoming and connected community. Energising colour, relatable, simple messaging and photography allow the brand to communicate with impact across digital, social and experiential experiences.
While many Māori organisations saturate their visual aesthetic with cultural design, the Whāriki brand allows their people and their partners to be the kinaki (adornment) of their brand.

Bringing a community together online just in time for Covid-19.
The shift to digital came at a time when Covid-19 decided to make it necessary. We designed and developed the website to provide core services to the Whāriki community, including the ability to showcase their business and create networks with other businesses. Whāriki created a suite of content stories featuring Māori businesses excellence and showing the diversity of ways Māori are innovating. Podcast content and events add opportunities to connect digitally and kanohi ki te kanohi.

What started as a single thread is now a woven network of strength and support.
We were fortunate to work with some really talented people, with big vision who have gone on to work alongside their iwi, launch their own businesses and grow their careers. But they remain part of the woven whakapapa of Whāriki. To Jamie, Heta and Jess - e mihi atu nei ki a koutou.
Client Jamie Rihia, Heta Hudson, Jess Sweetman
Creative Director - Johnson Mckay
Design Director - Storm Smith, Tanmay Desai, Tim Hansen
Design - Siobhon Joe, Jason Fantonial, Niki Chu
Project Manager - Tanya Smith
Brand Identity
Key Communications
Digital Design
Event Design
Collateral Design