Fly started out in 2005, while our founding Director was still in law school. While developing the skills to untangle complex legal matters, Johnson developed a unique solutions focussed approach to Fly that has grown into a purpose driven organisation. We focus on the values that unite New Zealanders in creating solutions for a thriving Aotearoa.
Whāriki spent some time with Johnson and other passionate Māori business owners in a series of videos celebrating Māori entrepreneurial excellence. Whāriki is a platform to elevate Māori perspectives and contributions to the dynamic business economy of Tāmaki Makaurau.
A big shout out to Jamie Rihia, Heta Hudson and Jes Sweetman, who created this wonderful opportunity for Fly to tell our story. Also, he mihi aroha to James Rua and Caren Freeman from Hood & Co for the great job filming.
Enjoy the videos of two other amazing Māori businesses doing great things.